The graceful curve of the head leaves a trace
of subtle texture at the finger tip.
The branded base is delicate yet strong.
The fragile weight nestles down in the palm.
Different heads for a different day.
And the hand that assembles the parts detects the faint,
soothing vibration from the solids, each carved out of a mass.
Stainless steel, brass, copper.
Whatfs the next raw gem of choice to be?
Not On the Cuff.
Literal meaning forbids one from messing with the shirt sleeves.
It also means, not gon credith in slang.
The satisfaction upon wearing NOC is incredible, indeed!
For all the gents out there, with vanity and wit.
The branded base is delicate yet strong.
The fragile weight nestles down in the palm.
Different heads for a different day.
And the hand that assembles the parts detects the faint,
soothing vibration from the solids, each carved out of a mass.
Stainless steel, brass, copper.
Whatfs the next raw gem of choice to be?
Not On the Cuff.
Literal meaning forbids one from messing with the shirt sleeves.
It also means, not gon credith in slang.
The satisfaction upon wearing NOC is incredible, indeed!
For all the gents out there, with vanity and wit.